3h · Hi everyone! Remember me?? It’s Ace, aka Ace Face! You might recall that I spent 485 days in prison, longer than any other dog in the HOPE program!! I am so thankful for everyone that helped get me to my furever home! I now have a mom, dad, and 4 human brothers and sisters. Since my family adopted me, I’ve gone on daily walks, hikes, and zoom meetings for soccer, middle school science, and high school English. I’m a momma’s boy fur real! She buys me really nice house sweaters and outdoor coats, as you can see in the photos. I spend most evenings checking on the children and snugged up next to my mom on the loveseat. I can’t imagine where my life would be like right now without the help of the HOPE volunteers and inmate handlers at SCI-Camp Hill. Thank you HOPE DOGS! Love, AceP.S. I still know all my 8 old tricks + High 5 + 1 in progress