Please help us reach our goal! Share this fundraiser link on social media. The more platforms, the better! Thanks for your help in donating or sharing!
Category: Uncategorized
Meatball needs surgery!
Jessica Hill White 41 mins · Several months ago we were asked for financial assistance from an owner with a pug with a kidney obstruction. This was the second time Meatball had a stone and would need surgery. ARTBAR covered the cost of Meatballs 1k medical needs and we returned him to his family. We…
ARTBAR Candle Fundraiser 11/2 to 11/16!
We’re having a candle fundraiser! ARTBAR will receive 20% of every sale submitted between 11/2 and 11/16. Please check it out and spread the word!
Little Sally is available for adoption in PA.
Update: Sally has been adopted! If you remember Fancy the Pomeranian, she’s now Fancy’s sister! Congrats Sally! Sally came to us after her owners moved away and left her. She’s since been transferred to our partner rescue in Pennsylvania. You can view her listing here.
Candle Fundraiser
Just in time for the holiday season, we’re going to be trying a regular candle fundraiser for the first two weeks of every month. The candle company is currently working on getting us set up. Info coming soon! We hear Jessica is a huge fan of pumpkin spice…
Weekend drivers needed WV to NJ
Please share this post on social media. Our transport network is always looking for more reliable volunteer drivers. Legs needed on a regular basis are: Saturday afternoon: Morgantown WV to Hagerstown MD Hagerstown MD to Mechanicsburg PA Mechanicsburg PA to Hamburg PA Hamburg PA to Phillipsburg NJ Phillipsburg NJ to Haskell NJ And for transports…
Ellie Update
Jessica Hill White 13h · Ellie was a wonderful dog we took in last year from PCAS after she was hit by a car and paralyzed. So much went into saving Ellie. Every second, dollar, and tear was worth it. We received new pics and an update from her family not long ago. I received…
ARTBAR is seeking a volunteer grant writer
ARTBAR’s fundraising has all but stalled due to covid but our vet bills haven’t. We need an experienced grant researcher/writer with a history of getting grants approved and providing the reporting back to the grant provider to help us with finding funds to pay down our over $50K vet bill. Your role will be to:…
ARTBAR’s 2020 Sheabel Vet Invoices by Animal
After generous discounts (thank you Dr. Jude) our 2020 total bill at Sheabel was: $99,847.83 (Jan 1 to Oct 26) Amount paid to Sheabel to date in 2020: $47,411.08 Remaining balance due to Sheabel: $52.436.75 (as of 10/27/20) Below is the breakdown by animal. We pay in the order by date that the animal was…
Thank you to the donor who paid $1,500 on our vet bill!
We appreciate you SO MUCH! Thank you! If anyone else can help us with this bill, please visit for ways you can send in a donation.