Can you do it? Daily goal…

Hey ARTBAR supporters, can you help us out? We’re drowning in vet bills, tens of thousands! We’ve had lots of medical case dogs in the past three months requiring ortho surgeries, so the bill got ahead of us. We’re trying to raise $500 a day during this crisis to try to chip away at the…

How are you all faring during the pandemic?

We at ARTBAR are hanging in here. Trish is hunkered down working from home. Alissa is still home with her newborn. Marti is still helping us remotely with maintaining our data. But Jessica… Jessica works in a nursing home, so you can imagine how crazy it’s been. Policies changing daily, having to keep up with…

Thriller has found his forever home!

His new parents are shy and don’t want their photos online, so all we can share are some photos of Thriller before he went on home. He now has an Akita/Husky sister and 6 cat siblings and lots of room to roam and romp in his huge 2 acre fenced yard. His new mom and…

Icicle and Popsicle were adopted…together!

Who says bonded pairs can’t find homes together? These two went to adopters who’ve had both Chihuahas and Beagles in the past. They have been dogless for a few months since the passing of their last pooch. Icicle and Popsicle came bounding out of the crate and ran right up to their new humans. Love…

Harley had another surgery

Our poor boy Harley, had a second surgery on his jaw Friday at Sheabel. His previous surgery was successful for one of his two breaks but the other repaired fracture didn’t hold up and was crumbling.He has to have the ole external fixator for quite awhile. Donate at

$13,000 vet bill! HELP!

Donate at: – If you prefer to call it into Sheabel, please ask them to put it on the account for ARTBAR. Thanks for anything you can contribute.

Rest in peace, Bella

Forever hospice foster, Matt Alissa Rife lost Bella today. She was estimated to be 15+ years old and we had her for about 20 months. She was at Sheabel with Dr. Jude when she passed. Donations are needed for her vet bill. RIP Bella. You were very much loved.

RIP Murph

Late in the evening on February 17th, 2020. A message from Murph’s forever foster family: WE HAVE HEARTBREAKING NEWS TO REPORT 😞 Murph unexpectedly passed away moments ago 😞. He was sleeping peacefully, and passed peacefully at home in his sleep. He let us enjoy 9 months with him, which was far more than the…