12/16 Update: Rocko has been seen by the specialist. They can save both of his legs but he’ll need two expensive orthopedic surgeries. Now we REALLY need to get on the fundraising! The goal is $10,000!

12/5: Rocko is at the shelter and has been for a month. We paid to get him to the vet to see what exactly was going on with his back legs (I posted about him before). Both legs have been broken and healed incorrectly. This dog CANNOT sit down AT ALL! He’s on concrete all day and it’s making it worse. He’s fine with other dogs and so sweet. We have to help him. We have to get him to Sheabel, BUT we need donations! We have been SLAMMED with medical cases and not easy ones.
We need $5000 to start with Rocko
We gotta come through for him!!!!!!