Jessica Hill White
1 hr ·
Artbar has had some very sick dogs the last two weeks and I want to thank our donors and supporters for always supporting us financially and emotionally. It’s been a rough time- 3 critically ill dogs and the loss of our last two wildlife intakes.
There was no hesitation when I asked for money to help Winslet, even when she was ice cold and unconscious. No one at that vet hospital thought it was even worth trying, but we did. Now look at her.
We still need money for Harley who has fully recovered and will get to be with his family again as well as Fairy Sprite who I really think will be ok even if she isn’t bladder continent.
Emotionally, these days have been hard and
everyone has hung right in with us, not one suggestion of euthanasia
from our supporters.
Everyone has wanted to push to save these dogs.
It’s hard to make calls when you know there is suffering and your doing
painful things to them trying to make them better knowing it may be
for nothing.
Thank you Dr. Michelle Jude for encouraging me to keep pushing for Winslet after her doctor thought we should euth-she didn’t have to listen to me rant about her and my worry- she’s not even her patient lol.
Shane Snyder
has been right with Winslet through all of this. Running early mornings
before court to get her back and fourth to hospitals- making sure she
has what she needs and is clean. Puppies are ALOT of work especially a
sick one.
And Shanna Snyder for not killing Shane
The girls at Danville Animal Clinic – Terri Hager Dolin Shauna Leigh Nelson and Summer Mullins have kept me utd on everything going on with Fairy Sprite- they are where my pics and video comes from – they don’t have to do that for me.
Trish McDonald continues to try to keep me sane on an hourly basis some days 😂 I don’t even know how she deals with me
The Mendes – Kirstin Mende Maria Mende and Daddy Mende deserve a hall of fame for what have done for our dogs. I personally owe them an organ should they ever need it on top a previous promise to Dance at all future family functions when they completely paid off our Sheabel bill a month ago then paid another huge chunk two weeks ago.
We have so many people who are good to us and our dogs, I could never thank you all enough.
Every dollar is appreciated. Every blanket. Every bag of food.
There have been times people have sent $1 to use via PayPal and I know that person did not have it to give but they did. That dollar has far more worth to it than the physical- it means they BELIEVE in what we do, that animal. I have literally spent my last $20 on a bag of food in the past- I know.
Tammy drove all the way down last night to get our animals that left this morning so we didn’t have to get up early this morning to meet her. She didn’t have to do that. She is our only driver, without her I don’t know what I would do.
Our current hospice fosters- Alissa Therese Lisa
my dad, Tammy,Ginger, Hope, and Madeline are amazing!
Trevon Townsend has been so wonderful to us! He will drive down for Lexington at the drop of at hat to help my sick dogs get back to Sheabel. It’s a longgg drivveee.
Marti DeLay who manages through the chaos to somehow get all our animals in the database 😂 despite my sometimes lack of detail or much of a make initially 😂
The prayers that have gone up for our dogs have certainly fell on listening ears.
Thank you, from my heart.